An online self help course to deepen self awareness for a meaningful, fulfilling life.

Unlock the power of your true self with self awareness for fulfilment and joy in life and relationships.

Month 1: Therapeutic Journaling and Life Skills ~

Month 2 - Unhelpful patterns, shadows and inner critic ~

Month 3: Relationships, Creativity, Spirituality ~

Month 1: Therapeutic Journaling and Life Skills ~ Month 2 - Unhelpful patterns, shadows and inner critic ~ Month 3: Relationships, Creativity, Spirituality ~

 The Insight Way Course

Emotional pain, difficult memories and relationships, self-doubt, on top of constant demands from life and others can leave us suffering. Exhaustion, overwhelm, problems with self worth, anxiety and depression sweep in. We get lost. How can we prevent these difficulties and live a happier life?

Using insights and tools from the therapy room, I guide you to reclaim your true self - the deep, strong you filled with your own unique resources and wisdom. This means developing self awareness, authenticity and courage. How?

By mindfully unravelling unconscious patterns and out-of-date adaptations of your mind, you can uncover the insights of your true self. We take a look under the bonnet of your mind for some gentle cleaning and rewiring.

Navigate through life with fulfilment and intention despite your circumstances and live with meaning and joy.

 An online personal development course of self development designed by a therapist to:

  • improve self awareness

  • strengthen self esteem and self compassion

  • align your choices with your true self

  • learn ways to heal the past

  • understand your emotions and develop resilience

  • build better relationships with others

  • develop good boundaries - no more people pleasing, no more chaos!

  • live with intention and meaning

  • live and choose from your authentic true self

  • build support, self care and nurture into your life

A course of tailored videos, theories, exercises and therapeutic journaling.

What’s included:

  • how to free yourself from unnecessary emotional pain

  • be aware of and let go unconscious patterns that don’t serve you

  • harness your shadow side and inner critic

  • how to live more intentionally

  • how to have a better relationship with your partner, friends and family

  • how to overcome low self esteem and develop self compassion and courage

  • how to accept yourself

  • how to be happier

  • how to be more creative and build the life you want

  • how to nourish your spiritual development

  • how to live a meaningful life from your true self

 Reclaim your true self with self awareness, insight and acceptance to grow an intentional life, of authenticity and meaning.

 A Journey of Discovery

This personal development course integrates concepts from humanistic and psychoanalytic psychotherapy schools including Gestalt, Carl Jung, Carl Rogers and Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, Mindfulness and eastern philosophy.

Informative videos, revealing exercises, therapeutic journaling and inspiration enable your self discovery - a generous slice of online therapy all from the comfort of home.

Your insights will open your mind and bring in space and ease. You will have more choice on how you respond to events and people in your life. Rather than reacting from patterns, scripts, pain points or blocks, respond from your true self. With insight you will develop self acceptance and self compassion, and cultivate self care.

Having this clarity ensures intentional, meaningful living and you can travel the path that’s right for you, meeting challenges as they arise.

self awareness online course growth and development

The Insight Way Personal Growth Course Outline:

  • Therapy Skills: Develop the qualities of a therapist for you to live from throughout your life. This includes an introduction to concepts to practice from the humanistic therapists.

  • Patterns: Understand and let go of unhelpful unconscious patterns that negatively impact your mind, self worth and life choices. We look at your shadow side, the inner critic and self sabotage, life scripts and other relational patterns, with and exercises to heal and let go of what isn’t working.

  • Heal the past. Old wounds that still hold you back, learn how to deal with difficult memories. Support your inner child/vulnerable side so you can continue to thrive. We also look at shame and acceptance.

  • Sanctuary. Develop your spiritual practice with meditation, visualisation, grow inner peace, cultivate self-compassion and self care.

  • Self Expression. Including creativity, the body, boundaries, better relationships and community.

  • The Future Now. Hone in on your unique values and intentions from your truest self, to move into your future self actualised, with strength, courage and meaning.

How the course works:

  • An 12 week self help course to take at home, guided by a therapist

  • Videos for each topic, twice a week

  • Exercises to reveal insights and to experiment with in life

  • Guided therapeutic journaling prompts to deepen and clarify

  • Optional Q&A Videos tailored to your questions

  • Downloads and resources

What you will learn:

  • learn theories of mind and soul

  • gain self awareness of unconscious patterns

  • understand you emotions

  • Shine a light on your shadow side

  • What is your attachment style?

  • Life scripts

  • Are you a projector, introjector or retroflector? Understanding how you relate to the world

  • Understanding the piles of your experience

  • separate your inner critic and saboteur from your true self

  • heal old wounds

  • The child inside

  • Forgiveness

  • reach self acceptance

  • develop self-compassion

  • develop self expression from the true you in relationships and work

  • develop creativity

  • develop community that supports life from your true self

  • define your values and find meaning in life

 Things I learned as a counsellor - distilled into an online personal development course

Clients often undervalued themselves and their place in the world. By connecting with their true self, they were able to see and feel their value.

Some clients adapted their behaviour, even thoughts and feelings to fit in with others expectations and ignored the inner voice of their true self. This was the cause of the problem that brought them to therapy - leading to pain, disillusionment, even depression and anxiety. There is a cost to burying your truth.

Often people are burdened by unprocessed past experiences that impact the way they feel, their relationships and life decisions. Counselling helps them get to these roots and unravel them. Then their relationships and life decisions come from their inner truth rather than adaptations to past events, people and out of date circumstances.

Often people believe that they can, and need to create their own meaning in life to feel satisfied. This can be challenging and takes some time, but it removes any sense of waste, or disillusionment. Once you have meaning, everything you do is done with purpose so can’t feel unsatisfying, even if things don’t work out.

Many of my clients felt detached from themselves and others. Because they had adapted and adjusted internally so far away from their inner truth they felt disconnected. By fostering the connection, first with me and the teaching them how to reach within, it brought them to life, finding a sense of their own feeling, truth and values.

The true self will not be quiet, and will always find a way into the world. It is actually the true self’s discontent that causes us the most problems. The depression is the true self trying to hide you away and protect you from what is happening around you. Anxiety is its alarm bell, telling you something has gone very wrong. When we try and manage our pain, depression, anxiety with other methods such as avoidance, working to hard, flitting from one relationship to the next, alcohol or drug dependency watching TV all day long - we go to great lengths to avoid our true self. But the true self will not be quiet, and its why you are here reading this. It is asking for food. For you to open a window. For you to listen.

Witnessing my clients shed those patterns, habits, and unhelpful thoughts was a huge privilege, the privilege of every therapist. Seeing the depression lift, the anxiety ease away, the sleep return and the laughter and joy flow again was an honour.

We did this through connecting with their true self, mine to theirs, over and over, in different ways.

Now I share some of the ingredients from the therapy room to help you reclaim your true self with you so you too can achieve meaningful change. This is the first online personal development course I have written, and I want to make it useful. Drop me a line if you have any specific things you want to address in the course or a Q&A video when the course is live.

Is The Insight Way Course the same as Therapy or Online Therapy?

Not everyone wants to invest in therapy, due to circumstances, time, or perhaps you have had unhelpful counselling or psychotherapy in the past. Perhaps you don’t really have any problems though want to improve your life. You may be on a waiting list though want support now or to start sooner.

This course brings the therapeutic knowledge, tools and a supportive and nurturing process to gain many of the benefits of therapy without the huge investment.

It can be taken in your own time and at your pace to fit in around your life, and will give you a taster of what therapy may be like.

You have extended access so you can go over the materials again and again to work through whatever you need to.

If you are experiencing distress right now finding a therapist might be the best option. Contact your GP or find a counsellor or psychotherapist using the links below.


  • Later in 2022. Sign up to be a free member to be notified, and get access to free resources in the members area.

  • I am an integrative therapist with 16 years experience working with clients on a one to one basis, with people from all walks of life from age 12-70. I hold a a Professional Diploma in Therapeutic Counselling and a Masters in Gestalt Psychotherapy which is a humanistic, creative model. I also trained to work with couples and adolescents and am a member of the BACP.

  • You will have access to the materials for a whole year.

  • This is a therapeutic course drawing on the same theory and exercises from therapy. It mirrors the process of therapy and you will get similar growth in some aspects but it is not a substitute for the intimate attention of a trained professional. If you have mental health issues consult your GP for further support or contact a therapist using the links below

  • This course is for any human who is interested in personal growth, learning more about themselves and wanting to experience the soul shift.

  • The investment will be decided when the course is ready. It will be to the value of less than a few sessions of therapy.

  • This course may be supportive but it may be wise to seek face to face counselling or psychotherapy. You are welcome to take the course, though take care around the healing phase, as you may be better off with one to one support to address past issues that still feel present.

  • This course is different because it is tailored and created by me, a counsellor and psychotherapist, with a daily ‘session’ curated over time. The sustained materials and exercises will create a shift in your mindset, with your commitment to a course, that is more likely to hold for a long period, and not be collecting dust on a shelf!

  • I am sorry to hear it. This wont be a a bad experience as it is self directed and you can go as far with the exercises as you like. This is a little bit like therapy from a distance, so perhaps it will be healing, and restore your confidence in therapy. There are bad therapists, but they are a minority.

More about Privacy and Confidentiality

I understand that learning more about yourself snd moving forwards can and should be a private process, as you discover, nurture and build new aspects of yourself.

Any details you share with me, including your questions for the optional Q&A are treated in strict confidence. They are shared with no one but me.

I adhere to the BACP ethical framework which has clear guidelines. I can use a pseudonym for your question, and change identifying details like location, profession, gender if wished in the Q&A.

I ask for questions as often people feel they are alone in their problems when in fact many others have similar issues. We can learn a lot from each other so this part is optional / though I’m sharing and asking you might well get your own needs met and in your generosity of sharing and asking meet the needs of others too.

Questions are only available to other people on the course, and everyone will commit to a confidentiality rule where nothing can be shared to keep you feeling free to explore.

If there is interest when the course begins I can set up an optional private community area for those who like the sharing and community element, which will have the same confidentiality rules.

I will guard your data with the strictest confidence (it is important for me too).

“We cannot direct the wind, but we can adjust the sails.”

— Irish proverb