Am I Depressed?
The Therapy Toolbox
Am I Suffering from Depression?
In this article I’ll tell you the signs of symptoms of depression, what are the causes of depression and how to cure depression naturally.
Depression or low mood can feel isolating, leaving you withdrawn, low, tired and unsure what to do. It can be debilitating, and can creep up on us over time. The good news is, we can improve it.
Hi There!
I am Kate, a counsellor, psychotherapist and course creator. I’ve worked with clients with depression for many years, and share some insights about it here. 90% of us can cure depression naturally.
Many of the 60+ tools in my Therapy Toolbox Course are great if you want to treat depression by yourself.
How to Cure Depression Alone or By Yourself - 12 Ways
How to Overcome Depression
Clients in my therapy room are often surprised that their depression, or low mood, can shift with counselling and by making small changes in their lifestyle. Big-Pharma companies don’t want you to know this, though for some, a course of anti-depressants can lift your mood enough to engage well with therapy or begin to make the life changes you need. For most of us, anti-depressants are not always the answer and we can shift our depression naturally.
Seek Support from Others
Depression feels lonely, and if possible it’s best not to go through it alone. Tell a trusted friend of family member, and ask them just to listen - advice can be unhelpful.
Social connection is something we can withdraw from when depressed, but it can be helpful to know you aren’t alone - the depressed mind can make assumptions that people wont be there for us, but its worth testing that out before assuming, and give people a chance to show you their love and support.
Increasing Self Care to Help Depression
Often when depressed, you can neglect yourself, feeling as if there is no point. Even if you are only going through the motions, it is important to continue to take care of yourself, getting up and showering, cleaning up, and extra things like listening to music, lighting a candle, going for a walk. Even if these may feel like empty gestures, behaving as someone who loves and cares for yourself prevent depression worsening and increases chances of brighter feelings ahead.
There is a list of self care ideas and coping skills in the free resources area here: Sign up.
Am I Depressed?
Changing Negative Thoughts - and Growing Self Compassion Helps Depression
Often we talk to ourselves in a way that we wouldn’t dream of talking to someone else. A running commentary of negativity can become a pattern of the mind.
We can shift out of these patterns by developing presence and self awareness, and a number of other tools for this and to grow self compassion, that I share in the Therapy Toolbox Course. There are also free resources to help you gain awareness too.
Mindfulness and Meditation for Depression
Mindfulness meditation has been proven to improve mood and depression in many studies. You can find mindfulness meditations on you tube, or even better, join a local group - a sense of community will also be helpful to cure your depression.
I share some tips on mindfulness, meditations and visualisations in the Therapy Toolbox Online Course, and some Free breathing techniques to help too in the free members area (sign up).
Unresolved Issues from the Past or Current Circumstances
Depression is often the minds way of holding back painful emotions, though often without realising where they have come from. Therapy can help you explore this, as will journaling and the prompts and exercises in the Therapy Toolbox Course. Briefly, things such as unexpressed loss and grief, disappointment, anger, trauma or abuse - and a cocktail of all these can trigger feelings of depression. This can be processed in counselling, talking with a loved one, journaling or exploring using methods in the course.
Improve Sleep Habits
When we are tired the symptoms of depression can worsen. By getting a good nights sleep, you will feel better resourced to tackle your issues with greater strength. I share 18 ways to improve your sleep in the Therapy Toolbox Online Course.
Improving your Diet to Help Depression
We all turn to fast food sometimes and like a treat. Though this can put a strain on our body. Give your body a break by minimising processed food, and give it the food it evolved for!
Natural food is easier to digest, giving your body less work to do. It also prevents inflammation which can contribute to depression. Consider natural supplements like Probiotics, Omega 3 such as Cod Liver Oil, and Turmeric are all widely available and shown to reduce inflammation, and there are links that this influences our mood too.
Reducing Alcohol Reduces Depression
Although it might ease your depression symptoms in the short term, it will make them worse in the long term. As your brain gets more and more used to having alcohol to feel better, it can be hard to grow the skills, mental patterns and lifestyle to cope with depression and low mood without it. Consider cutting down or out alcohol until you feel better.
Exercise to Improve Depression
Exercise produces natural endorphins that keep depression at bay. If you don’t want the gym, running is free (try the couch to 5k) and there are many fitness and yoga videos on youTube - you must have come across Joe Wicks for example.
Walking, especially in nature has been shown to improve mood. When you feel low, it can feel hard to drag yourself out, but it’s a simple thing that makes a big difference.
Finding Meaning
Often, a sense of meaningless that is continued over time can lead to low mood. By finding out what is meaningful to you, life brings more satisfaction and you rekindle your drive for life. It is one of the tools of 60+ tools in the Therapy Toolbox Course.
Counselling or Psychotherapy
Because much depression comes as a result of events that have happened or are happening now, counselling and psychotherapy can help you process what has happened and leave the past in the past, and help you make sense of what’s happening now. Find a therapist on the Counselling Directory here.
In my course, I include many therapeutic exercises and tips, including how to deal with difficult memories and mistakes. For some, therapy is available on the NHS (contact your GP) though not for everything and it is often short term and only CBT on offer, which although effective for some, it doesn’t work for everyone. Consider investing in private counselling or psychotherapy to heal your depression faster. Find a counsellor on the Counselling Directory here.
Know that it is possible to shift out of depression - you just need the courage to take a look inside, address your issues and get support.
Natural Supplements for Depression
Please note, I’m not a doctor or expert on this, but over the years clients, in conjunction with therapy, have said good things about CBD oil and Ashwaghanda, so they might be worth trying out.
Online Course to Help Depression - The Therapy Toolbox
You can make a start learning how to cure depression by yourself on the Therapy Toolbox Online Course. Designed for sensitive women like you, it is full of ideas to help you through depression and out the other side. This is suitable for mild to moderate depression. If your mood is so low you are unable to work or do the things you need to contact your GP or a counsellor. Try the Counselling Directory to find a therapist in your area.
With 40+ video, audio and text lessons, I share tips from the therapy room: 60+ exercises, 200+ journaling prompts, 30+ worksheets and 7+ guided meditations.
Clear your Mind - Nurture your Soul - Self Compassion and Acceptance - Your Body’s Resources - Better Habits - Finding Meaning
You’ll find methods to help you combat your depression, and maintain an improved mood for good. Join the list here.
Read article: Tools for Anxiety
Take the NHS Quiz for anxiety and depression here.