Becoming You - Why I Wrote the Therapy Toolbox Course
I'm so pleased to have participants already starting to embrace themselves with presence, awareness and love. The gentle transformation has begun! Would you like to join them? Enrol here.
As a working mum and therapist for 16 years with my own creative business I have had my fair share of frazzle and confusion. Following great loss and change in my life in my early thirties, I balanced taking care of my daughter, now 17, (and dog), business and my therapy practice, where I was on the emotional front line.
It was a bit much, to tell you the truth. Under this pressure, I learned it was crucial to nurture myself daily - so that I could continue to nurture others. I used the tools I worked on with clients for myself, topping up my therapeutic knowledge on regular meditation retreats, and now have morphed everything into the course.
Having seen my clients change over the years in therapy (what an honour!), I witnessed the importance of growing self awareness, self compassion and supporting authenticity - as well as in my own journey. THIS IS TRANSFORMATIVE! The truth is, most of us are so bad at it! Self awareness, acceptance, looking deeper; they are skills we need to learn and practice. These tools are here to help you live a life of intention, ease and meaning, to embrace your true self, for a fraction of the price of therapy. This isn't only a springboard for personal growth and resilience, the course also improves low mood, anxiety and self esteem. It's simply to become 'YOU' - and shed what is in the way.
Even when the going is good we must FILL THE TANK for those rainy day or curveballs, and give space for when we want to stretch and GROW. Often even high flying clients found it difficult to look after themselves emotionally, psychologically or spiritually. In fact, they were often the worst, prioritising everything above themselves, chugging forwards through life without thought or care, because they didn't know how to reflect, or didn't think it mattered. Well, they ended up in therapy. When, like them, we ignore our true self and 'get on with everything' - this was their first class ticket to therapy. It was an honour to show them the way back to themselves.
If they had believed earlier that they were worth slowing down for, for nurturing instead of emotionally neglecting, accepting rather than pushing away, inspiring rather than growing dull, they wouldn't have ended up in front of me, I'm sure. Thats why I say this is a budget friendly version of therapy. Simple tools to keep you ALIGNED WITH YOURSELF which would save £100's or even £1000's. And when they met themselves it made them feel vulnerable, but alive, and filled with CHOICE!
We each have a true self that can get buried, forgotten even. When we reconnect with that lost core of us, we can feel ourselves SHINE! Like watering a plant and giving it baby bio every now and then. Or moving it into the sun when it needs it, turning it round, and removing the chewing gum stuck to the side of the pot. Then new leaves appear, and it BLOOMS!
I believe our sense of self and how we feel develops according to how we spend our days. We can heal our past, through spending time and energy in the here and now in ways that nourish and support our true self. By spending 15-20 minutes a day simply on you, you can grow into the best version of yourself through daily presence, awareness, self compassion and acceptance. This isn't radical change, but deliciously slow and sustainable CHANGE.
By nurturing our souls, listening to our bodies and addressing our habits we give our true selves space to be. And what a wonderful thing that is for the world, a beautiful human being in all their GLORY!
For some this might all sound fluffy, and I must say I would have before I did my trainings (Prof. Diploma in Therapeutic Counselling and MSc in Gestalt Psychotherapy, plus training in couples and mindfulness). I didn't realise how much these skills mattered. That these skills are therapy! I had another recent reminder: 18 months of long covid stopped me in my work with clients, which was a blow, for sure. so, I poured my therapeutic knowledge that was itching to get out, somewhere: here. As they say, when life gives you lemons, make lemonade. Would you like some lemonade? :D
With love,