How to Love Your Body

How to Love Your Body

The Earthworm Loves Her Body

I studied Zoology at university, partly inspired by a school biology lesson in which we dissected an earthworm and a woodlouse. I know, pretty gross! (It was for the greater good). Nature and life always fascinated me, but this sealed the deal for me. My humble earthworm (or was it the woodlouse, I forget) contained an intricate network of astonishing things including 5 hearts, 4 testes and 2 ovaries. It particularly struck me that the ovaries are on the outside of its body. Fascinated, it got me thinking about all animal life, and humans, and our even more astonishing network of amazing things that keep us alive each day. 

Your Body is Amazing

What I am trying to say is, your body is amazing, just as it is. Think about all the amazing things going on at any one time to keep us well and alive. Awesome!

The media wants us to feel bad about how we look, so we will buy more clothes, cosmetics and whatever else. I hope that the compassion and loving kindness you practise is shifting you to see how remarkable your body is already, regardless of how it looks. 

Loving your Body

  • Your body is always beach ready, every day

  • You don’t need a flat tummy

  • 95% of women have cellulite

  • Your lips are fine 

  • Your bum, tum and boobs are exactly the right size, given all that has gone before, in your life and all the way back through your ancestors into the depths of time.

Q: Imagine what the world would be like if we all looked exactly the same.
Q: Imagine an earth worm or woodlouse worrying about how its body looks.
Q: List the things that are more important to you in your life than your appearance. 

I have a fun but potent exercise in the Therapy Toolbox Course to help you cut through any negative body energy and talk.

Somatic Tools to Love Your Body

I also have several somatic exercises in the course to calm and soothe your body naturally, and to develop self confidence in an instant.

If this is you come and enrol here, You’ll get another 60+ tools to step into the next chapter of your life appreciating yourself just as you are, and live a better life.


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