What Are My Core Values?

Ready to create a better life?

Hi, I’m Kate, I am a psychotherapist creating workbooks and courses for mental health and wellbeing, to help you flourish in a life you love.

I'm Kate, a psychotherapist with 16 years of experience walking alongside clients as they transform their lives, deepen their relationships, and create meaningful futures that reflect their true nature..

I have witnessed how, when we align our choices with our core values, we experience authenticity and purpose in every aspect of our lives. This improves our lives and relationships, and you are about to do the same!

I hold a Diploma in Therapeutic Counselling and an MSc in Contemporary Gestalt Psychotherapy—but my deepest insights come from the privilege of working with my therapy clients as they worked towards greater self-understanding and fulfilment.

Now, through my weekly newsletter, Letters from Therapy, and through resources like this workbook and courses, I translate my work into words, to reach you wherever you are on your path., so you can draw on much of the value from therapy from your own home.

I will help you clarify your values, not as a prescriptive guide telling you what to value, but to offer reflective questions, exercises, and gentle guidance to help you uncover your unique core values; your internal compass. I am honoured to be your guide here.

Life is often unpredictable and full of obstacles, so it can feel disheartening when we fail to reach the goals we hoped for.

Sometimes our goals are inadvertently based on how we think our life should be—shaped by messages from others: our family, partner, friends, our culture, even comparison with strangers online. I'm a dreamer too, and understand how easy it is to get lost in a juicy fantasy!

Sometimes our goals are so disconnected from what we truly want or need, they may as well have been plucked from the sky, so we can end up a long way down a path we don’t want to be on.

True, core values come from our authentic self—they're the compass that guides us through those calm waters and stormy seas.

When we live by our values, we find meaning in the journey itself, not just in reaching a destination. Unlike goals, which can be completed or failed, values represent ongoing directions for living, providing fulfilment every step along the way, no matter what happens.

Grab a pen and paper, find a quiet space where you won't be interrupted, and let's begin this journey of self-discovery to reveal your core values today! In about an hour you’ll be clear and aligned with your core values.

Discover Your Core Values Workbook

What's in the Core Values Workbook?

  • Setting Your Compass: Understanding the difference between goals and values, and why values provide a more reliable guide

  • Journaling Questions to Explore Your Values: Thoughtful questions to help you uncover what truly matters to you.

  • Exercises to Explore Your Values: Practical activities to clarify your core values.

  • List of Potential Values: Inspiration to help you identify and name your values.

  • Creating a Values-Driven Life: Find strategies for translating your values into everyday actions and decisions.

Imagine walking through an unfamiliar city without a map or navigation system. Each crossroads has no signpost to tell you which direction leads where. You might wander aimlessly, following whatever path seems most appealing in the moment, or whichever route others around you are taking. Hours pass, and though you've covered considerable ground, you realise you've been moving without purpose, maybe even in circles, leading to growing frustration and emptiness. Meh!

This is what life can feel like when we haven't clarified our core values. We make decisions based on immediate gratification, external expectations, or just to avoid discomfort. We pursue goals that society deems worthy like career advancement, material possessions, relationship milestones, or external validation. Yet, even when we achieve them, something feels missing, as if we are living someone else's version of a good life rather than our own. What a waste!

Now imagine having an internal compass that helps you navigate life's complexities with confidence. When faced with difficult choices, you have a clear sense of which direction aligns with what matters most to you. You still encounter obstacles and challenges, but your efforts feel meaningful because they're connected to something larger and aligned. Even when the path is difficult, there's a sense of rightness about the journey, because it is the path of your true self.

This is what life can be like when we identify and live in alignment with our core values. Values are the fundamental principles that give our lives meaning and direction. They represent what we stand for and how we wish to engage with the world. Unlike goals, which can be achieved and checked off a list, values represent ongoing direction for living.

We never "arrive" at kindness or creativity or justice—we simply continue moving in those directions, finding fulfilment in the journey itself.

When we live life from our values, no matter how strong the headwinds are, we are aligned with a deeper sense of meaning. We meet any failure to reach goals with curiosity; without shame or landing in a heap of devastation. Being clear about and living from our values anchors us to our innermost self, whatever happens in life.

With a life lived in our values, we maintain a sense of satisfaction and fulfilment each day regardless of the outcome.

This workbook is designed to help you discover, clarify, and connect with your core values. Through thoughtful exercises and reflections, you'll uncover what truly matters to you beneath the noise of should's, expectations, and cultural messaging. You'll learn to distinguish between values that have been handed to you by others and those that resonate deeply with your authentic self. You'll develop practical strategies for bringing your values into your everyday actions and decisions.

This is not about finding the "right" values or judging your current life as wrong. It's about creating greater awareness and intentionality. It's about designing a life that feels meaningful and true to you—not anyone else's definition of success or happiness. And sometimes this takes time too, and that’s okay!

Let's begin this journey of self-discovery together, and connect with your inner compass that can guide you toward a life of greater purpose, authenticity, and fulfilment.

What people say…

“Thank you so much, truly. I really needed this today and it touched me in a profound way. I've been spiraling in constant instability for as long as I can remember. What has helped me is to remember that it's not what you go through in life, but how you grow through those circumstances and events” Alyssa

 I am grateful that I found your course! I feel so much better about myself and accepting me for me. Thank you x” Fiona

“I really needed to read this today at a time when my resilience needs to be the strongest it’s ever been. It’s hard not to be knocked over by the waves, thank you for the gentle suggestions in here” Helen

“You are a very gifted writer and you have such a soothing, enjoyable voice. Great job!! As a retired counsellor who still does some coaching, I loved this” Susan

“A seriously abundant course, full of heaps of helpful, nurturing content.” T

More Therapeutic Workbooks

Therapeutic Workbooks

Whatever brought you here, my work is here to help you:

  • Reclaim your true self

  • Improve wellbeing

  • Navigate change

  • Improve mental health

  • Build your confidence

  • Shift bad habits into good

  • Let go of unhelpful patterns

  • Shed limitations

  • Improve your mood

  • Recover from/prevent burnout

  • Accountability for your latest project

  • Cultivate calm

  • Nourish your soul

  • Develop self compassion

  • Find meaning and direction

  • Strengthen your boundaries

  • Build self esteem

  • Live with less

  • Step out of perfectionism

  • Build a slower life

  • Life after loss

  • Rebuilding from rock bottom

  • Small business/creative mentoring