How to Move On:

Heal Your Past Course and Workbook

Course coming soon!

Ready to create a better life?

Hi, I’m Kate, I am a psychotherapist creating workbooks and courses for mental health and wellbeing, to help you heal your past and move on into a bright future.

Pain and suffering comes to all of us: it is part of our messy human life. But it can leave us with challenging symptoms if it remains unhealed, like overwhelming emotions, difficult memories, or feeling ashamed. If we haven’t found a way to fully move on, we can live with our suffering alone.

I’m a qualified psychotherapist in the UK with 16 years experience (Prof Dip Therapeutic Counselling, MSc Contemporary Gestalt Psychotherapy). These are Useful, gentle tools I’ve used with my past clients will help you integrate, heal and move on.

You’re invited to take this course and workbook, in your own time, no matter your age, gender, nationality, or religion. What matters here is that you know it’s possible, and I have tools to help you move on.

The Heal Your Past Workbook

What You’ll Learn in the Heal Your Past Workbook

Foundations for Healing - develop therapeutic skills to integrate and heal

Leave the Past in the Past: Let’s finish our unfinished business, leaving our past behind us

Managing Difficult Memories - techniques from the therapy room to shrink difficult memories to free yourself from their shackles.

Moving from Shame to Belonging - shame can feel toxic, and often it is someone else who should bear the shame, so let’s give it back.

Stepping out of the Victim Drama - stop the cycle of letting the past impact your life and relationships now.

Should we Forgive? Forgiveness isn’t for everyone, but if you do, it is for you, not them. Includes a guided meditation.

Creating Our Future: How to move on into a bright future.

Also peppered with somatic tools to support your work.

Moving On

Throughout this heal your past course and workbook, I’ll take you though useful therapeutic steps to help you heal your past, so you can free yourself, and step into a brighter future. Whilst I believe that time is a great healer, I’ve compiled useful things here that I have used with clients in therapy that helped them heal their past, so I know they can help you too.

We will gently address our unfinished business that is left unaddressed, move on from difficult memories and step out of shame. We will heal our past, and move into a brighter future armed with tools we can revisit again and again.

We cannot change the past, but we can change our relationship with it. As well as written and practical tasks, ther are several somatic tools to support your work.

It takes courage to look inside ourselves, but it is worth it. These gentle tools will help you leave the past in the past.

We can’t change the past, but we can change our relationship with it.

What people say…

“Thank you so much, truly. I really needed this today and it touched me in a profound way. I've been spiraling in constant instability for as long as I can remember. What has helped me is to remember that it's not what you go through in life, but how you grow through those circumstances and events” Alyssa

 I am grateful that I found your course! I feel so much better about myself and accepting me for me. Thank you x” Fiona

“I really needed to read this today at a time when my resilience needs to be the strongest it’s ever been. It’s hard not to be knocked over by the waves, thank you for the gentle suggestions in here” Helen

“You are a very gifted writer and you have such a soothing, enjoyable voice. Great job!! As a retired counsellor who still does some coaching, I loved this” Susan

“A seriously abundant course, full of heaps of helpful, nurturing content.” T

More Therapeutic Workbooks

Therapeutic Courses and Workbooks

Whatever brought you here, these workbooks will help you:

  • Reclaim your true self

  • Improve wellbeing

  • Navigate change

  • Improve mental health

  • Build your confidence

  • Shift bad habits into good

  • Let go of unhelpful patterns

  • Shed limitations

  • Improve your mood

  • Recover from/prevent burnout

  • Accountability for your latest project

  • Cultivate calm

  • Nourish your soul

  • Develop self compassion

  • Find meaning and direction

  • Strengthen your boundaries

  • Build self esteem

  • Live with less

  • Step out of perfectionism

  • Build a slower life

  • Life after loss

  • Rebuilding from rock bottom

  • Small business/creative mentoring

“We cannot direct the wind, but we can adjust the sails” Irish Proverb

Is it time to shine?

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us.

We ask ourselves, ‘Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?’ Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you.

We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It’s not just in some of us; it’s in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”

Marianne Williamson

Heads up! This is not for you if you are currently in acute distress, feel suicidal, are regularly self harming, or if you have a current unmanaged serious mental health condition - all of which are better addressed with the compassionate human to human contact of counselling/psychotherapy. See the links at the bottom for help, and I’ll be here to welcome you when you’re ready for your next step.