A Peaceful Sanctuary

Some of the people taking the Therapy Toolbox course have been enjoying visiting their Peaceful Sanctuary with a guided visualisation.

We can cultivate a sense of peace in our minds, even with chaos all around us. I added this lesson, among others, to create a sense of calm. When we are calm, we make decisions more easily. We dialogue more effectively with partners, children and colleagues, responding calmly instead of impulsively or reactively. We can reduce stress (physiologically too) and make clearer choices day to day. It’s also more pleasant living like this! Like the tale of the tortoise and the hare, we often go faster when we slow down.

Visualisation tricks the mind and our physiology into thinking something you imagine is real. So we can create peace whenever we need to with a peaceful sanctuary in our minds eye to visit any time.

I’ve loved hearing of the lovely sanctuaries and it reminded me to revisit my own, a lovely cottage in a meadow full of inspiring things.

You can visit your personalised peaceful sanctuary in situations when you need to soothe your nervous system, such as times of stress, or before an interview, presentation, or speech (I used it before making a speech at a friend’s wedding). You can use it to calm anxiety on a packed tube train, before going into a room full of strangers when you feel on edge, or when your kids are driving you crazy and it’s you that must calm down!

If you’d like some help with creating your own sanctuary, and many other tools to nurture a sense of peace, calm and awaken your soul, do come and join us at the Therapy Toolbox.

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